Purpose and objectives of palliative care

Doc. Dalia Skorupskienė

Associate Professor Dalia Skorupskiene - Department of Palliative Oncology The supervisor, oncologist and radiotherapist at the conference organized by Kaunas Hospice House explained in detail what palliative care is, what are the main ethical and general principles of palliative care.

Ji pristatė gyvenimo kokybės modelį, kuris susideda iš tokių elemenųt, kaip fizinė gerovė, psichologinė gerovė, socialinis gerbūvis, dvasinis gerbūvis.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

The doctor shared knowledge about factors that aggravate pain. Between them:

  • psychological factors: depression, anxiety, anger;
  • social problems: impaired relationships at work, in the family, conflicts with medical staff, financial and legal problems;
  • cultural factors: cultural differences are not taken into account, language barriers;
  • spiritual problems: worthlessness, guilt, feeling of regret, unresolved religious issues.

The reader has sensitively taught the thoughts of prominent researchers (Christakis & Lamonte, 2000; Glare et al., 2003; Vigano et al., 2000) about barriers to quality of life at the end of life.

Kaunas hospice employees also face the following obstacles:

  • Unrecognized limits of medical possibilities
  • Improper and too long (aggressive) treatment
  • Incorrect prognosis of the disease

At the end of the presentation, the researcher presented the following conclusions to the audience:

1. The quality of palliative care has a direct impact on the quality of life.
2. The role of nursing and nurses must increase.
3. Palliative care must be based on a multidisciplinary team
4. “Just be together…”

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