Hot food to patients' homes

Su Meile ir atvira širdimi į mus kreipiasi Jolanta Sadauskiene ir fondas „Beautiful Heart foundation” teiraudamiesi ar mūsų pacientams reikalingas karštas maistas. Žinodami mūsų situaciją, kaip sudėtinga karantino metu tapo organizuoti savanorius maisto gaminimui pacientų namuose, jie pasisiūlė mums padėti.
We cannot be surprised by the concern of this active woman for the patients of Hospice. Even families of 4 patients are already enjoying the second phase of quarantine twice a week by receiving fresh, varied, hot, quality food straight to their homes.
Hospiso pacientus Restorano patiekalais džiugina „Legenda”, „Briedžių medžioklė”. Ir kaskart vis kitas patiekalas, saugiai supakuotas, atkeliauja į paciento šeimą, kurie ir ne visada pajėgia savarankiškai pasigaminti.
Wow, what patient reactions, thanks, and calls delight team members. Volunteer coordinator Gerda Juskeviciene shares that the restaurant's dishes reached the patient, according to the patient, it is even necessary to dress up before the RESTAURANT arrives at HOME. It’s another opportunity, another event, another celebration of that day.
And for transportation, we all cooperate together, and together we come to the aid: we thank the volunteers who transport food to the districts:
Ricardas Litvinskas, Aivaras Pokvytis, Jurgita Janaviciute, Jurate Malinauskaite, Giedre Rentauskienė and all of you.
Thank you for sharing your kindness and being together with the community of Kaunas Hospice.

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