Give the gift now

We are grateful for your generous hearts!
“Kaunas Hospice Home” staff and patients

You can donate to “Kaunas Hospice Home” by:

Transfer through PayPal to Kaunas Hospice Home bank account

Prenumeruojant kasmėnesinę paramą per Contribee sistemą

Direct transfer to Kaunas Hospice Home bank account.

Bank: Swedbank BIC – HABALT22

Bank account: LT467300010141748723

Transferring 1.2 percent of tax of personal income.

You can do it

  • Filling in form FR0512 04 online (electronically via electronic system of declaration ESD)

Filling online

  • Log into your electronic banking through the website of system of declaration
  • Choose the “Fill in the form” section on the left side of the window, then select “Request of support” in the centre of the window.
  • At the bottom of the window you will see FR0512 “Form to fill in”. Choose the blue icon “Fill in the form directly on the portal”.

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