
„Nebūtina daryti žygdarbių. Pakanka mažų dalykų, atliktų su didele meile”.
Motina Teresė

Mieli paliatyvo darbuotojai,
Jūs mums angelai žemėje. Mes labai dėkingi už Jūsų pagalbą, šiltus žodžius, jausmus, gėrį, paguodą, paramą, šypseną, apkabinimą, išklausymą. Kad palengvinot paskutiniąsias dienas mano vyrui Joneliui. Jaučiame be galo didelį dėkingumą Jums! Ačiū, kad esate!  Nuoširdus ačiū Drasutei, Agnei, Jonei, Paulai ir visiems padėjusiems.

Nijolė su dukra Gitana
2022 m. Rugsėjis

Gerb. ir brangūs Hospiso darbuotojai,

gyvenimas, lyg spyralė nenumaldomai sukasi kylančia kreive į viršų. Prabėgo jau šviesios, gražios, baltos Kalėdos, leisdamos pasidžiaugti trumpam sugrįžusios šeimos artumu, ir atskubėjo visai nežiemiški, darganoti, šlapi, gąsdinantys lijūndra ir šlapdriba, su pliusine lauko temperatūra Naujieji 2022 metai. Ir šis didelis šv. Kalėdų ir Naujųjų metų kontrastas paskatino prisėsti ir apmąstyti prabėgusius 2021 metus.Hospiso darbuotojas ir sunkiai sergantis slaugomas ligonis . Kaip diena ir naktis. Hospiso darbuotojas, lyg tas šviesulys, kiekvieną kartą atvykdamas atneša viltį ir gerą paskatinamąjį žodį į ligonio namus. Ligonis, dažnai kankinamas skausmų, slogios nuotaikos bando nusišypsoti. Tikėjimas ir viltis veda sveikatos atgavimo kryptimi.

O šypsenos ir  geros nuotaikos 2021 metais netrūko. Viskas prasidėjo, kai vasario mėn.  atėjusi kinezeterapeutė Diana Nemčiauskienė pasidžiaugė, kad R. akivaizdžiai  sustiprėjo ir sugalvojo konkrečią užduotį: kiekvieną dieną 5 kartus  su vaikštyne ateiti į virtuvę prie stalo ir užfiksuoti  lauko temperatūrą užrašų knygelėje. R. šį iššūkį priėmė ir sąžiningai jį vykdė. Jis Diana labai tiki ir klauso jos nurodymų. O Dianos planai labai konkretūs: jei ligonis bus aktyvus, tai nuo kovo mėn.  pratęs užsiėmimus su savo studentais, kad greičiau R. sustiprėtų  ir pavasarį galima būtų su invalido vežimėliu išvažiuoti į lauką.  R. užrašų knygelė labai gerai parodo ligos ir sveikatos pakitimus, kintantį jo rašysenos braižą. Labai maloniai buvome nustebinti kovo 8- tąją, kai Hospiso direktorė Kristina Krasko su keliomis darbuotojomis, lydimos LNK televizijos kamerų, atvyko pasveikinti  R. su 78 gimtadieniu, kurio reportažą parodė LNK žinios kovo 11 d. 18.30 val.

Iki išvažiavimo į lauką , dar daug vandens nutekėjo. reikėjo pastovėti ant Dianos platformos, kad išlaikyti pusiausvyrą, reikėjo vėliau ant tos pačios platformos bandyti sulenkti kojas per kelius, bandyt atsisėsti į vežimėlį, jame pasėdėti 15 , 30 minučių, vėliau kiekvieną dieną pasėdėti vežimėlyje po pusvalandį, kol pirmą kartą išvažiavome  į lauką  balandžio 21 dieną ir jame išsėdėjo 1 val.10 min. Įkvėpęs gryno oro ir pabuvęs lauke , R. pradėjo taisytis, nors tame tarpe buvo  nemaža ir prastesnių dienų.  Po to atėjo nepakeliama karščiu vasara birželio ir liepos mėn., tuomet galimybė pasėdėti ir išvažiuoti į lauką buvo didžiulė privilegija. Šiltuoju metų laiku iki rugsėjo mėn, R. lauke pabuvojo 11 kartų. Paskutinį kartą lauke buvo rugsėjo 9 d. su Vitalijumi.

Nuo rugsėjo 24 d pradeda po truputį viskas keistis. Pabuvojęs 2 ligoninėje 10 dienų, grįžta  susilpnėjęs, Diana neleidžia su vaikštyne keliaut prie stalo, reikia atsigauti, nes tai sveikatos nepriduoda, o tik atima jėgas. Su gydytoja Agne Kilmaniene sudaromas naujas gydymo kursas: 10 dienų statomos lašinės su vit.C kas antrą dieną, po to  pertrauka 8 dienos, išmaudomas ligonis  ir vėl pradedama bus iš naujo. Po lašinių R. tvirtėjo, bet ligos niekur neišnyko ir toliau darė savo ardomąją veiklą. Kiekvieną dieną ryte perskaitydavau Hospiso man padovanotą mintį: “Dieve, suteik man ramybės susitaikyti su tuo, ko negaliu pakeisti. Drąsos keisti, ką galiu pakeisti ir išminties tą skirtumą suprasti.” Ši mintis  mane drąsino ir skatino suprasti tikrąją gyvenimo realybę.  Visą šį laikotarpį Hospisui  atsidavęs darbuotojų personalas buvo visada pasiruošęs padėti sergančiajam ir jį prižiūrinčiam šeimos nariui. Man Hospiso darbuotojas  buvo artimesnis už giminaitį ir už sūnų.Kiekvienu momentu turėjo ką pasakyti, patarti ką duotuoju atveju daryti. Taip atsidavusios savo profesijai darbuotojos kaip Drasutė Urbanavičienė, su žiburiu reiktų ieškoti.Vieną vakarą apie 21 val  skambinu Drasutei ir sakau: matyt bus užsikimšęs  cistostomos vamzdelis,” bet  aš dabar negaliu pas jus atvažiuoti esu išvykusi į kaimą, bet paieškosiu sesutės kuri galėtų mane pavaduoti, o jei nerasiu tai rytoj 9 val ryte aš būsiu pas jus”, atsakė Drasutė. Ir kitos dienos rytą, lygiai 9 val.  Drasutė buvo prie   mūsų buto durų. Prisiminusi Jūsų poelgį, Drasute, aš ir šiandieną susigraudinu .NUOŠIRDUS IR LABAI DIDELIS AČIŪ, DRASUTE.

Dėkoju Vilmutei Pipirienei už nuoširdų bendravimą su R,kol bėga lašinė, už padrąsinantį ir šiltą žodį. Daktare Agne Kilmaniene, dėkoju Jums už didelį rūpestį, atjautą, dėmesį beviltiškai sergančiam R., bet neprarandant vilties, tikėti stebuklu, kad gal viskas pasikeis į gerąją pusę.Visų didžių darbų koordinatore Paula, juk tik Jūs sugebėjote  taip paskirstyti visus savanorius, kai man tekdavo nuvykti pas gydytoją, aprūpinti mus visomis  pagalbinėmis priemonėmis, labai šiltų pokalbių su savanoriais organizatorė ir dalyvė, dėkoju Jums už betarpiškumą ir šilumą.Seselei Faustai dėkoju už dvasinį palaikymą malda su atsiųstuoju Angeliuku ir  nuteistųjų laiškus kuriuose jie meldžiasi už R. Dėkoju visiems Savanoriams, kurie praskaidrino  R. pilką kasdienybę savo apsilankymu, Ačiū Jums už betarpišką , šiltą bendravimą. O pats didžiausias AČIŪ DIREKTOREI KRISTINAI KRASKO, subūrusiai tokį gražų, šiltą,nepaprastai jautrų, nuoširdų, nesavanaudį kolektyvą. Neabejoju,  kad R. iš Aukštybių dabar Jums visiems siunčia Padėkos žodžius. Mieli HOSPISO DARBUOTOJAI, aš visada liksiu JUMS dėkinga.

Danutė S.

Kaunas, 2022.01.03.

A letter from the mother of one of our once cared girls, Gitana, arrived at the post office of Kaunas Hospital.

Hello Dear,
The mother of one girl, her name Gabija, greets you.

I contacted you for the first time when we were lying in Kaunas clinics. As soon as I called for help and after a few days, it seems to me, Director Jeanne called.

Then, just after his clinical death, Gabija returned to us only in a bodily form, we didn't talk anymore, we just felt the warmth of her body and kept listening to her breathing.

The girl survived, but only us left.

We talked very warmly with the director, a MANY THANKS TO YOU, and very soon our coordinator Kristina rushed to visit the Clinic, Adult Endocrinology Department and I bowed her head low.

And after a day, another nurse Drasutė visited us with Gabija.
A big THANK YOU for DRASUTE for your advice, encouragement, warm word and bringing Gabija a correction pad.

We are currently lying in Jonava Hospital, an inpatient palliative care ward. We have been living this way for years.

I got used to it, I learned a lot myself. Daughter still holds, young little, strong.
Gabija turns 20 in February. I work part-time a week, so I contribute a lot to the girl’s nursing.

Yet God sent such an angel named Jelena. She works at the same hospital where Gabija lies, only in the cardiology department, upstairs.
It’s just that angel when I work, visiting Gabija, a wonderful gift from God!

You were no less a gift from God! Thank you for your kind word, encouragement, feedback.

I am very grateful for such a difficult but incredibly rich destiny. I embrace you all strongly.

I wish your entire team a lot of perseverance, warmth in your unpaid work, in order to find and still find it difficult to convince you of the extraordinary necessity of your work.

Be blessed with you and your family.

With great respect to Gabija's mother Gitana 🙂

… Or maybe you are all from heaven?

It is hard to start writing about my sudden change in my life because I am overwhelmed by the emotions I have experienced !!!

So far, I don't realize that this can happen in Lithuania, I'm even afraid to think, or maybe I just had fun here! But no!!! The action has begun, continues to continue, and has been very successful fast! And this is not a dream!

I have a severe incurable progressive disease. I need daily help and I can't get it from loved ones because they are just very far from me…

It all started very randomly. While browsing the Internet, I met the services of Kaunas Hospital House. I called! Well, miracles have begun !!

The Commission arrived a few days later, not a few weeks or months, as we have received! Immediately there was a walker that I didn’t ask for, I always thought I didn’t need it, and it turns out that I missed it!

Then volunteers miraculously began to sprout with a wide variety of services!

With the help of Hospice volunteers, I got into the flow of new pleasant and very necessary events for me: one is coming - helping to get up, getting dressed, the other - offering massage, taking broken devices to repairmen, I take my car to a psychological seminar and I can attend it even for free and more… and more…

Believe me, the list is not over yet… I feel safer because I know that I can always ask for any help, I am already daring - I ask and I get pleasant, but forgotten during the illness, entertainment…

State social workers do the same. But only similarly.

There is a lot of "government": social workers work for the most part because they work for a fixed salary. There are a lot of limitations in the needs settings here.

Sounds often even funny: a serious patient, and bed linen is changed once a month, once a year you have to clean only one window (I really do not have one window), and so on. and etc. And there is still in the contract what is written there so that I do not want what is not written…

And here, on the contrary, volunteers keep asking and asking how we can help !! I even get lost !! After all, the clothes are sent without even asking, and when you see that you need it (I just threw it away before, because I don't have such a service, the contract isn't written on it), I still get gifts of medicinal herbs, and how much advice about my illness !! And it all happened in a few weeks!!

And tomorrow, for the third time, a volunteer-student from India comes to me to play chess with me (my old forgotten but cute hobby)!!! Just because of communicating with him, I am forced to learn English.

I once asked one volunteer, or maybe you’re all from heaven?
Like that!!! And here is not a dream !!!


Waiting for guests, tormented by anxiety and doubt…

I was worried because, as I said here, a disabled person, especially a disabled person from birth, lives in a world where joy and sadness are completely different. How, when letting strangers into the house and interacting with them, how not to damage and destroy the atmosphere that is harmonious and comfortable for him?!

Fears. They arise from the realization that so many hospice patients are powerless, slowly falling apart and extinct, endlessly lonely, and therefore need help like no other. But what soon happened instantly dispelled my anxiety and doubts.

To us, to our Catherine, the hospice team came sincerely concerned about our problems and eager to help. And while we were talking, she sighed at first, as if listening and exploring strangers, and then fell asleep calmly and comfortably.

For me, it was a special sign: the mission undertaken and most importantly, with what heart you carry it out, has healing powers that cannot be compared to any pills or procedures in spas !!!

Our family expresses gratitude to the hospice team doctor Vytautas Tiknis, social worker Kristina Labanauskiene and general practice nurse Drasute Urbonaviciene for their kindness and understanding, for lessons, practical advice and recommendations.

These people are linked by professionalism and the highest level of humanism, and this seems to me to be the foundation of the success of the hospice, led by the relentless inspirer and great man Jeanne Jankovskaya.

P.S. I would also like to note the sensitivity of the physiotherapist Tom, the ability to understand the situation, his qualifications. Tom came to work with Jekaterina after the hospice team's visit. I really enjoyed His mastery and would like to recommend Him to anyone who needs such help.

I am ninety-four
I am all alone in this world.

All the relatives and acquaintances are already dead, so for many years I had almost no one to communicate with. I have a hard time cooking a meal, I walk with my staff resting on it.
Once upon a time, a sister-in-law had returned briefly from America. Coincidentally, in Kaunas Day, he found an article about Hospisa and told me about it.

He also helped me go to a family doctor who gave a referral for palliative care counseling. And here one day my home staff crossed the threshold of my home: a doctor, a nurse, a social worker. A day later, others started volunteering.

I really didn’t expect that there are still people these days who agree to help an old, disabled person with no reward and with such love. It looks as if the sun has illuminated my house.
I feel much healthier because I am much happier. The volunteers who visit me make lunch, talk to me on a variety of topics, soothe and comfort me.

Every day I thank God for such grace given to me. Bless the Lord all the employees of Hospice.

"Your care and help is important and necessary for us. Thank you for your sincerity and beautiful relationship with your mother and the attention you pay to her, ”said Mr. Rimas for helping Kaunas seriously ill mother to his seriously ill mother.

Visit of Hospice volunteers Mr. Janina is about lunch every day: doing hygiene, changing diapers, feeding, socializing with her and her pet cart. Her son and family take care of a seriously ill oncology patient in the morning and evening.

The son was especially surprised and warmed by the greeting organized by the hospice to Mr. On the occasion of Janina's Birthday.

Mr. himself participated. Rimas, his wife, two volunteers (one with a young son), a doctor, a singer - all celebrated the grandmother's birthday in a friendly and cheerful way.

The next day p. Rima called us and thanked her with great joy for the birthday party: “It was so nice, and for mom, it was an extraordinary event, such an exceptional event in Her life. And a birthday is just for Her. The highest level. "

Rim mentioned that he appointed 2 percent. income for Kaunas Hospital House. Thank you for your understanding.

We came to see patient Emilia more than a year ago. The honorable age educator initially distrustfully embraced our emergence in her life.

Suffering from a terrible illness, pain and fear of the end of life, the woman opened up easily, each time marveling at the extraordinary activity of Kaunas Hospital.

The family took great care of her. We attended conversations, spiritual support, book discussions and various therapies: dance-movement, aromatic oils, poetry, massages, occupational therapy.

Congratulations on all the holidays: September 1, St. Christmas, name day, birthday. We celebrated with therapeutic puppies, guitar, cakes, flowers, gifts.

The patient’s life changed, the gloomy anticipation of the end became a joyous celebration. She sincerely waited for the volunteers and even sometimes reproached if someone didn’t visit in a matter of days. We became close friends.

And here is an incurably ill woman whose limbs are barely moving, wrote us a letter. She went through the failure to convey real emotions, all the feelings that her hand is having a hard time moving and it may be that she wrote something not the way she wanted to…

Let's read.
"Due to illness, I am nailed to the bed - I see the changing nature only through the window, I am dependent on others.

A hospice appeared in my life a year ago. True, at first I looked at them with a bit of distrust: it was unusual for strangers to take care of me for free.

I soon felt that they had become very close to me, I was waiting for Audronė, Mindaugas, Drasute and other volunteers every week.

When Kristina (volunteer coordinator) suggested coming up with a wish and choosing a trip that Hospice would take with her new bus, I chose a trip to church.

But what surprise and joy awaited me, I didn’t even dream in a dream.
Hospice decided to take me to Pazaislis “Zoline's” indulgences.

On the agreed day, the bus and a whole platoon of volunteers took me home.
The day was warm, sunny. Towards Pazaislis, groups of people were attracted. We settled outside, after July all the squad - Hospice volunteers and I was in front of me.

The Mass was amazing, the Bingel Choir sang. I accepted communion.
I was glad about the beauty of Pazaislis: green nature.

I felt like I wasn’t alone, I was cared for by so many people.
Many thanks to the guests, thanks to whom I got both good and unforgettable impressions. Emilija P. ”

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